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List of Publications
TACSI, Charles, V. Jones, K., Mandl, S., anseline, l., Munro, T.,2023, Now-Future-How: Insights from testing a holistic model for community-led resilience building. Fire To Flourish, Monash University, Melbourne.Lulham, R., Munro, T., Bradley, K., Kashyap, K. & Tomkin, D. 2018, ‘Local Context: Social Practices’, Towards Humane Prisons-A Principled and Participatory approach to Prison planning and design. International Committee of The Red Cross.
Munro, T., Jegan, A., 2023, Marking Lives Without a Trace: Bamboo Weaving in Refugee Camp. Garland Magazine
Munro, T., 2023, Learning to co-design with Artificial Intelligence: reflections of the first week of Midjourney Launch, online article
Munro, T. 2022, Re-authoring Design: Shifting Narratives in Social Design Practice, PhD Thesis.
Bradley, K., Kashyap, K., Klippan, L., Lulham, R., McGregor, F., Munro, T. & Tomkin, D. 2017, ‘Reframing the purpose, practice and place of juvenile detention In the Northern Territory. Submission to the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory’.
Bradley, K., Kashyap, K., Lulham, R., Munro, T. & Tomkin, D. 2017, ‘Creating productive spaces for Community Corrections and Family Video Contact’, Designing Out Crime Research Centre.
Lulham, R., Kashyap, K., Klippan, L., Munro, T., Bradley, K., Tomkin, D., McKay, C. & Rowden, E. 2017, ‘Court-Custody Audio Visual Links: Designing for equitable justice experience in the use of court custody video conferencing’, Designing Out Crime Research Centre.
Lulham, R., Kashyap, K., Rowden, E., Munro, T., Bradley, K., Tomkin, D. & McKay, C. 2016, ‘Audio Visual Link Suites in Custodial Contexts: Basic ergonomic and technical recommendations’, Designing Out Crime Research Centre.
Munro, T. 2016, ‘Appreciative Co-design: From Problem Solving to Strength-Based Re-authoring in Social Design’, paper presented to the Design Research Symposium.
Munro, T. 2016, ‘Exploring a Re-authoring approach in Social Design Practice’. Online Article
Klippan, L., Van Der Bijl-Brouwer, M., Willcocks, M. & Munro, T. 2016, ‘This Time it’s Personal, A Conversation at DRS2016'. paper presented to the Design Research Symposium.
Munro, T. 2016, Wildebeest Workshop Plans, Tasman Munro Design.
Bradley, K., Klippan, L., Kashyap, K., Lulham, R., Munro, T. & Tomkin, D. 2015, ‘Intensive Learning Centre: Building Evaluation Report’, Designing Out Crime Research Centre.
Munro, T., Tomkin, D., Lulham, R., Bradley, K. & Kashyap, K. 2015, ‘Evaluating a New High Security Teaching Environment’. paper presented to the Australasian Corrections Education Association
Bradley, K., Munro, T., Lulham, R., Tomkin, D. & McGregor, F. 2012, ‘Intensive Learning Centre: Concept Report’, Designing Out Crime Research Centre.
Tietz, C., Munro, T. & Norman, G. 2012, ‘Yardmaster: Reducing the Effect of Overcrowding in Remote Indigenous Housing’. Art Almanac
Munro, T. 2012, ‘Well Furnished, a squat and creative space in Hackney', Flamingo.